Keranjang Belanja Anda kosong!
Merek: | Carter's |
Kode Produk: | DNB0015 |
Ketersediaan: | 10 |
Size : 90 X 60 CM
- Bagian atas bahan katun
- Bagian bawah berbahan waterproof
- Bahan empuk dan dingin, sehingga nyaman sebagai alas tidur bayi.
- ringan mudah dicuci dan cepat kering
cocok untuk traveling praktis dibawa kemanapun.
bisa sebagai :
*alas ganti popok saat di perjalanan .
*alas tidur di baby box / stroller
Absorb fast, offer all leak protection.
Prevent the urine from flowing on the bed or baby body.
Soft feeling gives the baby a more comfortable sleep.
Waterproof and breathable, warm care of buttocks for baby.
Ideal for baby home or travel use, get rid of your worrying that dirty the bed or sheets, also save your time to clean them.